Auto Painting

Get auto painting by the #1 rated auto painting shop in Kansas City.

We Service All Mainstream & Luxury Car Brands

Don't Get Ripped Off

Auto Painting in Kansas City Can be A NIGHTMARE!


One of the most important phases of the auto painting repair process is the refinishing of the vehicle. Only the best refinish work and accurate color match will be accepted by our customers. Because of this, we offer only the best refinish products provided by BASF Glasurit, a global leader in Original Equipment Manufacturer coatings.

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Auto Painting Service

FACTORY-TRAINED, Certified Auto Painting Experts in Kansas City

With decades of experience in the Kansas City collision repair field, our paint department works hard to guarantee that your vehicle’s paint work is as good as it was when the vehicle left the show room floor. We have a state-of-the-art heated downdraft booth and a complete computerized paint matching system that further assists in our goal to have your vehicle look as good as new at the repair’s completion!

The expert technicians at Prestige Auto KC realize that when it comes to auto painting, all services providers are not necessarily equal. Whether your vehicle needs painting because of collision damage, age, environmental factors such as dirt, sun, or salt, or normal wear and tear which can result in small scratches and swirls, our Kansas City auto painting professionals are highly skilled and capable.

Nothing can ruin the appearance of a vehicle more than faded, dull, or peeling paint. A beautiful appearance is also essential to maximize your vehicle’s resale value. Regardless of your issue, we are confident our auto painting services will exceed your expectations. A fresh paint job can completely transform the look of your car, SUV, or truck, giving it that sleek, shiny, showroom floor appearance you first fell in love with. We know the damage the elements can do to a vehicle’s finish, and that wear and tear happens. Our Kansas City auto painting professionals are dedicated to superior workmanship, giving your vehicle the tender loving care it deserves.

Auto Painting

Get expert dent repair by certified auto body professionals.

Our auto painting includes factory paint match, color, and finish.  Our I-Car Gold Class facility and technicians utilize the latest technology including state-of-the-art equipment to ensure the highest possible quality.  The fact is, some paint jobs simply are not durable; even the finished appearance looks cheap and may not last.  Your vehicle’s paint may have been damaged due to the elements or environmental factors, or in a collision.  Regardless of the reason, our auto painting services are superior in every way from the quality of paint and finishes we use to the skill of the technicians who apply them. 

Transform your vehicle from tired and lackluster to sleek and sensational!You may need a little touch up or your entire vehicle painted.  Whatever your needs, Prestige Auto KC is dedicated to quality, efficient service. 

Those in need of our auto painting services can enjoy free estimates, 24 hour monitored security, and having your vehicle cleaned free of charge.  We also offer a lifetime nationwide warranty on our paint, so you know you are getting unsurpassed quality from trained technicians who take pride in their skill and ability.

When you are in need of a Kansas City auto painting facility you know you can rely on, give Prestige Auto KC a call.  We believe you will agree our auto body, collision repair, and painting services are a cut above the rest.

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